Running pace chart was created in excel using formulas. This is a measurement of speed typically used in non-metric countries for transport such as the USA. Experiment with different statistics to see how different cars of higher and lower horsepowers operate at different constants. If you want to customize the colors, size, and more to better fit your site, then pricing starts at just $29.99 for a one time purchase. 15 nautical mile/hour to mph = 17.26169 mph. 3. Footer. Ask your passenger to pull up Calculator Pro’s 1/4 Mile Calculator and to input the information while you are driving. The United Kingdom also uses this on the roads although officially the metric system has been adopted. This calculator uses the following formulas: Calculate ¼-mile ET from HP and weight: Calculators to find 1/4 mile ET and MPH. These equations are for recreation only. Compute ideal MPH and times at 60', 330', 660' and 1000'. This table is useful for those of you who run on an 1/8-mile track and would like to know what this time equates to in the 1/4-mile. There are scores of factors that can affect quarter mile and 0-60mph times that may affect the results. Miles per hour to Kilometers per hour formula Anyone who uses your calculator must enter an email address or phone number. *It is important to note that these equations can only produce "approximations" of an "estimated" value. DRAG PERFORMANCE CALCULATOR. You can get a free online 1/4 mile calculator for your website and you don't even have to download the 1/4 mile calculator - you can just copy and paste! Total Weight of Car (with the driver included) That is to say, if your vehicle weighs 3,000 pounds and has 300 horsepower, then starting at zero miles per hour, it should take 12.46 seconds to travel the ¼ mile and its top speed (called "trap speed") will be 108.61 mph at the end of the quarter mile. 1/4 mile Menu Toggle. 1/4 Mile Stats Calculator; Another 1/4 Mile Stats Calculator; 1/8th to 1/4 to 1/8th Conversion; 1/8th Mile Stats to 1/4 Mile Stats; Compute ideal MPH and times at 60', 330', 660' and 1000' Convert 1/4 Mile ET to 1/8th Mile ET Calculator; Convert 1/4 Mile MPH to 1/8th Mile MPH Calculator; Hp From 1/4 MPH,ET and Weight Calculator Anything from air and tyre temperature to less obvious factors such as humidity and fuel mixture. 3. 20 nautical mile/hour to mph = 23.01559 mph. Required link back. The 1/8 Mile to 1/4 Mile conversion table helps you to calculate the approximate time taken by a vehicle to travel in a quarter mile track based on elapsed time taken by the same vehicle to reach eighth mile (201.168 meter or 0.125 mile… mph second per mile . Use Calculator Pro’s 1/4 Mile Calculator in any location where you can get an Internet connection. When you do this, the widget appears as a handsome calculator that your readers can use to compute elapsed time as well! 1101 W. Rialto Ave. Rialto, CA 92376, USA +1 (310) 361 … Enable SSL loading and calculation to keep all information 100% secure, and guarantee highest availability with access to our multi-region API servers. Once you have a uniform horsepower, you can test that car at different constants on the road and then compare them with cars that have similar or the same horsepower. 0-60, 0-100, 1/4 mile performance calculator. Our quarter mile and 0-60 mph time and speed calculator has used real-life figures from 100s of officially published car statistics to test a complex formula. Do you want to know what your engine size converts to in Cubic Inches or Cubic Centimetres find out here; Cubic Inches and Cubic Centimetres Engine Size Converter, Lotus Exige S2 1.8 You can view more details on each measurement unit: mph or km/h The SI derived unit for speed is the meter/second. No link. Weight is as the car sits on the line: driver and gas in it. Remove calculation limits and start customizing your calculator! Calculations - 100/month. Instead of calculating this handy stat on your own using the formula “ET = constant*(weight/hp)^1/3,” Calculator Pro takes the complications out of computing. - 1/4 Mile Horsepower Requirements from MPH - 1/4 Mile Horsepower Requirements from ET - 1/4 Mile ET from Horsepower - 1/4 Mile ET from MPH - MPH from 60 foot time; Back to Top . 3600 sec/mile Conversion base : 1 mph = 3600 sec/mile. This calculator has been designed around statistical averages based largely on sample data from to weight ratio is the primary factor, but it also takes into consideration the performance advantages of RWD and AWD over FWD, and the advantage of a Manual transmission over an Automatic. Let's be honest - sometimes the best 1/4 mile calculator is the one that is easy to use and doesn't require us to even know what the 1/4 mile formula is in the first place! ET and MPH in Quarter Calculator: Wallace Racing BACK to Calculators. minute per kilometer (min/km) second per kilometer (sec/km) second per 100 meters (sec/hm) minute per mile (min/mile) second per mile (sec/mile) nautical speed units. - … You will see a drop-down box at the top of the calculator that has constants already entered. Let's be honest - sometimes the best 1/4 mile calculator is the one that is easy to use and doesn't require us to even know what the 1/4 mile formula is in the first place!
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