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ark of the covenant islamqa

He said to ‘Ali: O Abū Hasan: decide between these two. When the descendents of Judah (the son of Jacob, the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham) see this (Ark), all except a few will embrace Islam.” (Ibn Hammad transmitted in al-Fitan (1:360#1050); and Suyuti copied it in al-Hawi li’l Fatawa (II:83). Made of acacia wood, the Ark was covered inside and out with pure gold and measured two and a half cubits long by a cubit and a half wide by a cubit and a half high (45" x 27" x 27"). The Arab conquest of Jerusalem resulted in the Jews once again being allowed to live and practice their religion in Jerusalem, eight years after their massacre by the Byzantines and nearly 500 years after their expulsion from Judea by the Roman Empire. Samuel prayed, and as he was a Prophet, Allah heard his prayer. It is on this account that the earliest generation of Muslims prayed in every prayer, “O God, bless Muhammad, and the Family of Muhammad, as thou blessed Abraham, and the Family of Abraham”. The Ark of the Covenant remains one of history's enduring mysteries. Adam was the first Prophet, and he was granted revelation, able to speak and write and possessed knowledge of everything. Its current location has been the subject of countless inquiries, treatises, scholarly and unscholarly debates, and, of course, fictionalized representations. IslamQA - Search through over 75,000 Islamic Answers Find authentic Islamic Answers from over 69,000 questions. 2 Kings 25:13-15 says, "The Babylonians broke up the bronze pillars, the movable stands and the bronze Sea that were at the temple of … Trail of the Ark (c) 2019 All Rights Reserved * Menu Icons Credit,,, Have you ever wondered why the Children of Ishmael were free, and mighty, while the Children of Israel were still enslaved to the Pharaoh? According to the Bible, Moses had the Ark of the Covenant built to hold the Ten Commandments at the command of God. 6 Then we gave you once again your turn against them, and We aided you with wealth and children and made you more in soldiery. When the Children of Israel rebelled against the House of Moses, the Ark was taken from them and hidden during the era of the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar. While Islam's understanding of the divine covenant may differ from other faiths in certain details, it can also provide a basis for tolerance and mutual respect. This story, found in the second book of the Old Testament, Exodus, should be familiar to anyone who's gone to Yeshiva or Sunday School. window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}gtag('js', new Date());gtag('config', 'UA-134149705-1'); The Ark of the Covenant is the name of a Heavenly treasure chest, which was used as a weapon of war by the Prophets, including Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon, and as I will prove, even by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa aalihi wa sallam). Additionally, there are clear verses in the Holy Qur’an which speak of this victory, that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa aalihi wa sallam) was granted, that the Ark of the Covenant was in his possession, but most people, other than Saints fail to notice them, similar to how the Ashab (Sahabah, Companions) felt after Abu Bakr’s sermon after the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) passed on, that they had heard the verses 3:144 from Surah Aal ‘Imran for the first time. But what exactly is really supposed to be inside the Ark, anyway? Amongst the descendants of Ishmael, the Ark was eventually inherited by the Prophet Shuaib (Jethro), whose daughter Safura (Zipporah), a princess, married Moses, prince of Egypt. There was nothing in the ark except the two tablets of stone that … That is, the Ark houses the physical stone tablets onto which the commandments were scrawled (the second copy, that is; Moses broke the first copy — it's a long story). These faithful Christians believe that the Ark of the Covenant was taken from Jerusalem 3,000 years ago, to a place called Aksum, in northern Ethiopia, where it … Okay, we all know what's inside the Ark of the Covenant, right? Some think that the Ark of the Covenant was taken by Nebuchadnezzar to Babylon when he captured and destroyed Jerusalem in 586 BC. You have become the master of every male and female believer, morning and evening (for ever).”, Bloodline of the Holy Prophet (S): The Twelve Imam Dynasty as Guardians. 1 Kings 8:9 ESV / 30 helpful votes. One of them said: Is he the only one left to decide between us? After the trial of the sacrifice, Ishmael inherited it from his mother under the supervision of his father. In our narrative, the Ark of the Covenant was from the time of Adam, who brought it out from heaven beyond space, and down to earth. Nebuchadnezzar seized the Ark from the Israelites in Palestine. Jethro was an Ishmaelite, not an Israelite. And Allah has full knowledge of all things.” (48:26), The Zulfiqar Sword and Imam ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib. Unless someone else put something in before it arrived in Ethiopia, it seems like the Ark might, at present, contain only stone. According to the Sunni hadith texts, “then there shall be a Caliphate again, on the pattern of Prophetship” (Ahmad). This was the beginning of the second golden age for the Israelites. Copyright © 2009 Ahlus Sunnah Foundation of Canada. No one was allowed to tend to it besides the ancient Israelite's Levitical priest class. As Rehabilitated outlines, the Book of Numbers (17:8) describes the leaders of the Twelve Tribes of Israel (the Levites, who took care of the Ark, were one such tribe) writing their names on staves and putting them in a pile on the ground. What's actually in the Ark of the Covenant. The Mahdi then rules as a king over the Ishmaelites, because of his bloodline, as the Caliph of God, like Adam and David, with the Ark in his possession. In chapters 25 through 30 the Lord gives Moses a detailed plan for the construction of the ark, the special container which would carry the Commandments. The Holy Quran states, “And their Prophet said to them: “A Sign of his authority is that there shall come to you the Ark (Tabut), and in it Sakina with (a Covenant) therein of security from your Lord, and the relics left by the family of Moses and the family of Aaron, carried by angels. (At this) ‘Umar moved towards him and caught him by his collar and said: May you be dead! The Holy Quran states David, who was a direct descendant of Yahuda (Judah), the son of Jacob, the son of Isaac, killed Goliath, and inherited the Ark and the kingdom from Saul. He cast four rings of gold for it on its four feet; even two rings on one side of it, and two rings on the other side of it. In … The Ottoman Caliphs used the Zulfiqar as a symbol of power and carried Zulfiqar flags into their battles against their enemies. Besides such kid-friendly spin-off tales, the Ark itself has been one of history's most enduring legends. In reality, as Moment Mag states, manna means "wet honey" in Farsi, and is likely honeydew, the "digestive byproduct of insects" that feed on the tamarisk tree found in the Sinai Peninsula. The Ark’s origin stemmed from Exodus 25:10 when Moses was commanded by God to “make an ark of acacia wood.”. The fact that it has remained lost despite all this detailed research may be an indication that it will be found in our own time, when a great many portents regarding the end times have been fulfilled. 1, p.140). 1 Chronicles 13:9-11 I Chronicles 13:1-3 introduces an episode containing a presumptuous act, immediately followed by a sobering display of divine justice. The Kedarites were such a powerful tribe that they were even mentioned in the Torah, Assyrian Tablets and by the ancient Greeks. From Adam, the Ark was passed to Seth, and Seth became Adam’s heir to authority. God chose Bezalel to construct the Ark of the Covenant after the children of Israel left Egypt. After his repentance was accepted, a crown was once again placed upon his head. How Ron Wyatt found the Ark of the Covenant as told by Kent Hovind. Ark of the Covenant in Islam. According to 1 Kings 8:9, however, there was nothing in the Ark except "the two tablets of stone that Moses put there at Horeb." You know, "thou shalt not kill," "thou shalt not steal," etc. Here are the verses, “But Allah did send Sakina on the Messenger and on the Believers, and sent down forces which ye saw not: He punished the Unbelievers; thus doth He reward those without Faith” (9:26) and ,”If ye help not (the Holy Prophet), (it is no matter): for Allah did indeed help him, when the Unbelievers drove him out: he had no more than one companion; they two were in the cave, and he said to his companion, “Have no fear, for Allah is with us”: then Allah sent down Sakina upon him, and strengthened him with forces which ye saw not, and humbled to the depths the word of the Unbelievers. This ark contained the gold jar of manna, Aaron’s staff that had budded, and the stone tablets of the covenant.” The stone tablets were those on which Moses had written the Ten Commandments. Moses met Jethro’s daughters in Jordan, in Petra, at the Wadi Musa, or the Valley of Moses. As read on Open Bible, it's described in a lot of different ways. In the classic 1956 movie Ten Commandments, God shoots some fire at the tablets and, in a feat of pretty sweet animation, burns his words onto them, as seen on YouTube (the "finger of God" in Exodus 30:18). In search for the Ark, Nebuchadnezzar sacked both Mecca and Bait ul-Maqdis. The truth is, Jethro was an Ishmaelite. It is reported in Tazkia Lil Qurtabi on Page 704-706 that Huzaifa once asked the Prophet about the Ark of the Covenant, where upon the Prophet, salutations be upon him, informed him “it would be brought forth by Al Mahdi”. Vol. Moses and his brother and their family remained the cheifs of the Israelites and eventually placed it back in Bait ul-Maqdis in Palestine, which was originally built by Adam. See for example, History Channel’s “Ark of Covenant in Ethiopia”, Its secret location was granted to Hasan ibn ‘Ali, then from him to Husayn ibn ‘Ali, and through their descendants  its secret location will known by the Mahdi (a), the Twelfth Imam, a king and the last of the Rightly Guided Caliphs. But here are the facts about the Ark of the Covenant: The Ark of the Covenant is also described as the Ark of the Testimony. Saul was a descendent of Ben Yamin (Benjamin), the younger brother of Yusuf (Joseph), the son of Jacob, the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham. The following morning, Aaron's staff had sprouted not only flowers, but entire almonds. Abraham and Ishmael restored the Ark of the Covenant to its original House, inside the Holy Ka’aba. Monarchy will return with the Mahdi  since the main Prophets mentioned in the Quran are all from the Children of Israel, the dynasty of Jacob, tracing their descent back to the same ancestor, from Jacob to Isaac son of Abraham. The Ark was so sacred that touching it meant instant death. My attention was caught by the Ark of the Covenant story.I have indeed read AiG’s take on this claim and how you believe the Ark of the Covenant was most likely destroyed by the Babylonians; however, Revelation 11:19 states that the Ark of the Covenant will be seen in heaven. As the author of Tafsir Uthmani wrote, this Ark contained the Covenant (Sakina), which was the assurance of help from the unseen and victory over enemies, in the form of Prophetic relics. The House of David restored the Bait ul-Maqdis and placed the Ark therein. Tarah died when Abraham was a young boy. However, the topic of the Temple is for another time. During Adam’s reign, the Ark was moved and eventually, Adam built Bait ul-Maqdis in Palestine and the Ark was also housed there. However, this time, one of the most respected names in Israelite history is directly involved. As a child, Jesus visited Ethiopia with his mother Mary, and the Ark was surrendered to him during his youth. With the Ark, Adam was empowered as the Vicegerent of Allah. Adam became the ruler of the world as the Vicegerent of Allah. After all, the story is kind of cool: a holy relic from 1000 BCE, kind of like a box covered in gold, carried by the Israelites for 40 years after they were led by Moses to escape from slavery in Egypt. Adam descended to earth wearing a crown according to Ibn Kathir. Sinai to get the Ten Commandments. A glowy energy ball gives Nazis a bad case of fondue face, as depicted in this entirely historically accurate clip on YouTube. Talut (Saul) was appointed as the King of the Children of Israel, and the sign of his kingdom was that he would be given the Ark of the Covenant (al Baqarah, 246-249). Now Bezalel made the ark of acacia wood; its length was two and a half cubits, and its width one and a half cubits, and its height one and a half cubits; and he overlaid it with pure gold inside and out, and made a gold molding for it all around. Al Mahdi is from the Ahlul Bayt; the bloodline of the Prophet Muhammad, from the descendants of Abraham and Ishmael. Browse 674 ark of the covenant stock photos and images available, or search for holy grail or menorah to find more great stock photos and pictures. He rebuilt the Bait ul Maqdis in Jerusalem, in honor of the Seal of Prophets, Muhammad, who was to come to it on the night of Ma’raj, and lead all Prophets in prayer. Above: Ark of the Covenant on Shabbat Night Live TV with Kevin Fisher. The Ark of the Covenant has had a fascinating history beginning thousands of years ago. The Ark of the Covenant (Hebrew: אֲרוֹן הַבְּרִית‎, Modern: aron ha-brit, Tiberian: ʾărôn habbərîṯ; Koinē Greek: Κιβωτός της διαθήκης), also known as the Ark of the Testimony, and in a few verses across various translations as the Ark of God, is a gold-covered wooden chest with lid cover described in the Book of Exodus as containing the two stone tablets of the Ten Commandments. “ As stated in the Qur’an, the Ark of the Covenant is “a sign” for the faithful (Surah, 2:248 Yusuf Ali), for which reason believers have looked for it down the years. Solomon inherited the Ark of the Covenant from David and thereby became king. It's been connected to the Knights Templar, per History, and some believe it wound up in Ethiopia, per Smithsonian Magazine, in the town of Aksum. As the Online Etymology Dictionary explains, the word "ark" comes from the Latin word arca, meaning "big box. It will be brought forth by the Caliph Al Mahdi, a King, Al Suyuti wrote, “The reason he will be known as the Mahdi is that he will show the way to a hidden thing. 5 So when the time for the first of the two came, We roused against you slaves of Ours of great might who ravaged (your) country, and it was a threat performed. The Ark of the Covenant is a treasure chest revealed by our Lord in the Qur'an and which contains the property of the Prophet Moses and the Prophet Aaron. Bombay: Taj Publishers, 1992. So, when the time for the second (of the judgments) came (We roused against you others of Our slaves) to ravage you, and to enter the Temple even as they entered it the first time, and to lay waste all that they conquered with an utter wasting. Related by Sulaiman ibn Isa: “I was informed that the Ark of the Covenant will emerge from the Tabariyya Sea through the efforts of Imam al-Mahdi. Part of the issue in trying to decipher the truth about the Ark of the Covenant, even the truth of its existence, is all the secrecy and protectiveness surrounding the artifact. Manna was supposed to be divine food from God found on the ground that kept the Israelites alive in the desert. The Holy Qur’an states, “To the people of Madyan (Madian) (We sent) their brother Shu’aib ” [Qur’an, 7:85], according to this author, and even according to the Holy Bible, the Midianites were Ishmaelites. Faced with destruction and defeat, the Israelites then approached asked the Prophet Shamwil (Samuel) to pray God sends them a new King, to fight in God’s way and restore their lost blessings. 8 It may be that your Lord will have mercy on you, but if ye repeat (the crime) We shall repeat (the punishment), and We have appointed hell a dungeon for the disbelievers. The Ark was a 2 � x 1� cubit rectangular wooden chest with its lid being the Mercy Seat with the Cherubim of glory facing one another with wings outstretched. See, The Ark of the Covenant During the exodus from Egypt, God instructed the Israelites to build a box known as the Ark of the Covenant. All rights reserved. This system is a monarchy, since, outside monarchy, with dynastic succession from father to son, the Holy Quran, the Torah and the Bible do not acknowledge any other model of government. To read about the interaction of Jesus and the Ethiopians, see Acts 8:26-40 which speaks of Philips interaction with the Ethiopian Eunuch who was “an important official in charge of all the treasury of the Kandake (which means “Queen of the Ethiopians”)”. The author of Tafsir Uthmani (English) writes, “(The Ark of the Covenant, Tabut Sakina) contained some holy relics of Hazrat Moosa (alaihi salam), and other Prophets. (Pretty fast, considering almonds take five to 12 years to be produced, per Blue Diamond.). It was integral for the sanctuary service when the children of Israel built the tabernacle and it will be a key element during the Great Tribulation. After Jesus was raised, the Ark returned to Ethiopia under the guardianship of the Davidic-Solomonic dynasty from the line of the Queen of Sheba and  King Solomon. The Ark was surrendered to him by Negus. King Solomon married Queen Sheba (Bilqis), and from her had a son, Menelik I. Solomon gave the responsibility of guarding of the Ark of the Covenant to his son from Sheba, who carried it to Ethiopia after the death of Solomon, which was still kept a secret until sometime. Do you know who he is? (At this) ‘Umar replied: Indeed that (‘Alī) is my master”. Permission to reproduce this article is granted by the author for fair use only, with citation of the name of the author and source (this blog) without editing. The Ark of the Covenant–also sometimes called the Ark of the Testimony or the Ark of God–is not, despite the prevalence of the perhaps more famous ark in the Bible, a boat. As Rehabilitated outlines, the Book of Numbers (17:8) describes the leaders of the Twelve Tribes of Israel (the Levites, who took care of the Ark, were one such tribe) writing their names on staves and putting them in a pile on the ground. Such biomatter probably wouldn't have survived 3,000 years. Moses and Aaron were descendants of Ladi (Levi) the son of Yaqub (Jacob), the son of Isaac, the younger son of Abraham. As the new guardian of the Ark of the Covenant, David now became the king of the Children of Israel. It remained there until the reign of the Prophet Shuaib. This hadith indicates the return of a governance system which will follow the pattern of spiritual and secular succession of the Prophets. Dr. Tahir Qadri writes in his book; ‘The Ghadir Declaration’, when commenting on Hadith 5: “Manāwī has written in Fayd-ul-qadīr (6:217) that when Abū Bakr and ‘Umar had heard the Prophet’s saying — One who has me as his Master has ‘Ali as his Master — they said to ‘Ali: O son of Abū Tālib! The Ark of the Covenant was one of the most instrumental symbols of faith and God’s presence. So he decided between them (and settled their dispute). 7 (Saying): If ye do good, ye do good for your own souls, and if ye do evil, it is for them (in like manner). The following morning, Aaron's staff had sprouted not only flowers, but entire almonds. When he descended, Gabriel was ordered to remove it. They wandered the desert until they found the promised land of Canaan, and along the way got involved in all sorts of shenanigans like worshiping golden calves, being fed by God with manna from the sky, and watching Moses go up Mt. It is important here to elaborate on the system of governance of the Prophets mentioned in the Holy Quran. The Adnanites buried Abraham and Ishmael’s treasure and the Hajr ul-Aswad whuch was from the Ark in Mecca, and fled to Yemen. It will be placed before him at the Sacred House (either the Holy Ka’aba or Bayt al-Muqaddas in Palestine). At various times in Israel’s history, it seems that various items were in … Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Jewish and Christian tradition presents the Ark of the Covenant as the physical manifestation of God’s presence and supreme power. Moses served Jethro the Ishmaelite Prophet and king for a number of years, learnt from him, and was given guardianship of the Ark of the Covenant by him, and the staff of Adam from it, to go and set the Children of Israel free. With the power of the Ark, the first generation expanded the borders of the revived Ishmaelite Empire, defeating virtually every army in the Arab Middle East who marched against it. It then follows that the Zulfiqar sword was taken out from it (the Tabut Sakina, Ark of the Covenant) and granted to the spiritual successor of the Prophet, ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib. The last historical mention of the Ark in Scripture is in Second Chronicles chapter 35, where King Josiah (who reigned in Judah c. 640-609 BC) asked the Levites to return the Ark to the Temple where Solomon had originally housed it after completing and dedicating the Temple sometime in the 10th century BC (Second Chronicles, chapter 5). The secret of its location remained a sworn secret within the illustrious sons of ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib, the Twelve Imams. The Ark of the Covenant is the ornate, gilded case believed to have been built around three thousand years ago by the Israelites to carry the stone tablets of the ten commandments. Sālim narrates: ‘Umar was asked why he always treated ‘Ali differently from other Companions. But the word of Allah is exalted to the heights: for Allah is Exalted in might, Wise” (9:40) and, “While the Unbelievers got up in their hearts heat and cant – the heat and cant of ignorance,- Allah sent down Sakina to his Messenger and to the Believers, and made them stick close to the command of self-restraint; and well were they entitled to it and worthy of it. In Exodus 20 Moses is given the Ten Commandments. Professor Tahir ul-Qadri writes in Hadith 47 of his book ‘Ghadir Declaration’, “Umar ibn Khattab said: One who has Allāh’s Messenger as his master has ‘Alī as his master. I would like to point out here that the identity and lineage of Jethro has been confused by some historians, just as some of them confused Tarah, the father of Abraham with Azar. However, during the reign of ‘Ali, the fourth Caliph, the Ark came under danger through the civil wars instigated by the camps of the rebels of the battles of Jamal, and Siffin, and so it was secretly hidden in Antioch or around it. From the Ghadir Declaration onward, the new guardian of the Ark of the Covenant, ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib was granted a distinct status by the companions, and allegiance to this secret administration continued from their time onwards. According to the Biblical account, the Ark was built at the command of God, in accord with Moses' prophetic vision on Mount Sinai (Exodus 25:9-10). Adam’s Ark contained the Hajr al Aswad, the Staff of Moses, the Ring of Solomon, the Sword of Prophet Muhammad (s) called Zulfiqar among many other relics. Together, Abraham and his son Ishmael built the Ka’aba in Mecca, and placed in its corner from the Ark of the Covenant the Black Stone (Hajr al Aswad). “As for the Mahdi himself, he has a sword and a divinely inspired political policy (siyasa)” [Al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya, 366, Vol. (Quran, 17:4-8). These relics it (the Ark) contained were connected to Prophetic authority, which represented the Vicegerency of God on earth by His Prophets and Messengers, and as such, assured unfathomable powers to the possessor of the Ark. It's called the Ark of the Covenant. read more. It is also interesting to learn that the Zulfiqar sword was historically a symbol of power for the Ottoman Empire. The Ark of the Covenant was the best kept secret of the first two of the Rashidun Caliphs of the Quraysh dynasty, due to which both of them gave their spiritual allegiance to the first Imam of spirituality on the 18th of Dhul Hijjah, known as the day of Ghadir Khum, wherein the Prophet appointed ‘Ali as his spiritual successor, and the Guardian of Believers by declaring, “Whoever has me as his Master, ‘Ali is his Master”. See, Genesis 37:25-36 and Judges 8:22,24,26, were the Midianites are referred to as “the Ishmaelites”. See, The Ark was eventually moved by the Ishamelites (Arabs) to Al Khazneh in Petra, actually known as Khazinat Firoun, or the Treasury of the Pharaoh, to this very day. The third and most compelling type of Mary’s Immaculate Conception is the ark of the covenant. Explore {{searchView.params.phrase}} by color family {{familyColorButtonText(}} Before the Day of Judgment, the Ethiopians will learn of this history, and out of vengeance will destroy the Ka’aba and destroy it while digging it to search the Ark. The Emperor of Ethiopia Negus, Ashama bin Al-Abjar, embraced Islam secretly on the hands of the cousin of the Prophet Muhammad, Ja’far ibn Abi Talib who resembled the Holy Prophet so much in looks, that people often mistook him for the Prophet Muhammad (s). He constructed the Holy House, Al Ka’aba and placed the Ark inside. It's certainly one of archaeology's most perplexing puzzles. Additionally, as this hadith refers to a secular (political) office as well as spiritual, the Caliphate, political on the pattern of Prophetship, spiritual, there arises a need to identify what this will look like. Thereafter, Huzaifa states the Holy Prophet (s) recited the following verses of the Quran in reference to this, 4 And We decreed for the Children of Israel in the Scripture: Ye verily will work corruption in the earth twice, and ye will become great tyrants. 02:248 “And their Prophet said to them: “A Sign of his authority is that there shall come to you the Ark and in it a Covenant therein of security from your Lord, and the relics left by the family of Moses and the family of Aaron, carried by angels. Later, the Ark was apparently given by King David to his son Solomon, who installed it in the temple at Jerusalem. The proof he embraced Islam, was that the Prophet Muhammad prayed the funeral prayer over him (al-Najashi), and called him pious. You can narrow down your search from Hanafi, Shafi'i, Maliki, and Hanbali schools of law. The Ark of the Covenant was the best kept secret of the first two of the Rashidun Caliphs of the Quraysh dynasty, due to which both of them gave their spiritual allegiance to the first Imam of spirituality on the 18th of Dhul Hijjah, known as the day of Ghadir Khum, wherein the Prophet appointed ‘Ali as his spiritual successor, and the Guardian of Believers by declaring, “Whoever has me as his Master, ‘Ali is his Master”. Hence, the Holy Ka’aba was the first Qibla, direction of prayer. According to Ethiopian lore, the Ark of the Covenant is hidden in a church in Aksum–a small city in the northern highlands–and guarded by a single monk. The staff of Aaron was an artifact wielded by the brother of Moses. The Ark stayed in the family of Moses with the Children of Israel from this stage in history on wards and they placed in it the relics of Moses and Aaron as well. The ark of the covenant is more than Biblical history; it is mythical. Good thing Indy knew to close his eyes, amirite? It's apparent, current resting spot in Ethiopia, in St. Mary of Zion Church, is tended by a single monk called (this is true) "The Guardian," who himself is not allowed to see the Ark, as described in Slate.

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