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brunnera jack frost problems

Genus Brunnera are rhizomatous herbaceous perennials with large, ovate or heart-shaped basal leaves and sprays of small bright blue flowers in spring Details 'Jack Frost' is a perennial grown for its large, heart-shaped silver leaves edged and veined with green, and sprays of small blue flowers in spring Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost' has attractive heart-shaped silver leaves, veined with green and a metallic sheen. Clump-forming, this deciduous perennial remains attractive during the entire growing season. I have this Brunnera "Jack Frost" and was wondering how to propagate it. The question. Although its clouds of bright blue flowers add cool and striking color to the landscape in spring, award-winner Brunnera Macrophilla 'Jack Frost' is mostly valued for its beautiful foliage which creates a lush carpet of large, heart-shaped silver leaves edged and veined with green. The black areas are very thin and crumbly. ‘Jack Frost’ leaves are a distinctive silvery white with green primary and secondary veins and a thin green rim around the leaf edges. Brunnera ‘Jack Frost’ was first introduced by Walters Gardens, Inc. in 2000 and over the past 11 years this hardy perennial has become a reliable and popular perennial for shade gardens across the country. Lovely plants - look like forget me nots right now but a lovely patch of variegated foliage for the rest of the year. Now it has black spots and black edging on the leaves. I'm having problems with my Brunnera 'Jack Frost' - the leaves become covered with brown spots in July and August when the weather is hot and humid. The only info I find tells me to divide in winter.I live in Rochester,NY and the ground is frozen here in … Mark unread; Skip to new; Mark unread Print Skip to new. It is a sport of non-patented Brunnera marcrophylla ‘Langtrees’. U.S. Plant Patent PP13,859 issued June 3, 2003. I've seen pictures and it looks like it becomes a large plant. I have 3 very large Jack Frost Brunnera and I would like to divide them. Height to 1.5ft (45cm), spread to 2ft (60cm) or more. Q: My 'Jack Frost' brunnera leaves have a strange pattern on them, and after looking around on the Internet, I wonder if the problem is from foliar nematodes. My beautiful Jack Frost brunneras are being attacked by something chewing perfectly round holes in the upper leaves. Throughout April and May, Brunnera ‘Jack Frost’ is covered with lots of small, bright blue flowers which look rather like forget-me-nots. ... Solves problems by covering weed producing ground beneath large shrubs that have lost their skirt foliage. I heard you can root these in water and was wondering if this is accurate. Thanks for any info you can provide. We have had a lot of rain in NYC this summer and it seems to have affected my Brunnera 'Jack Frost' which was looking very good at the beginning of the summer. Watch Reply. 1alh1 Sidney, OH(Zone 6a) Jun 02, 2012. Never (touch wood!) Brunnera is an ideal plant to choose if you’re looking for something a little more unusual for the spring garden. I was wondering if it multiplies well. had a problem with brunneras being nibbled from either above or below - have 2 large patches - one is Jack Frost and the other is Looking Glass (?). Brunnera macrophylla (common form) has large, dull-green heart-shaped leaves, topped with clusters of tiny bright blue flowers in spring. Jack Frost Brunnera Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost' Plant Patent #13,859. Particularly lovely in speckled shade beneath white lattice arbors and structures. With its ease of production, desirable attributes, and garden performance brunnera ‘Jack Frost’ was named the 2012 Perennial Plant of the […] These are complemented by the beautiful heart-shaped foliage which is a pale silver-grey with pronounced dark green veins. Holes in Jack Frost brunnera. Sku #3538. More.

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