26, King's Inn Street, Dublin 1, Ireland. SKELLIGS CHOCOLATE, THE GLEN, BALLINSKELLIGS, CO. KERRY, IRELAND info@skelligschocolate.com CALL US: +353 66 9479119. From the smell of the roasted beans through the factory door, to the tasting of Ireland’s finest craft chocolate, our quaint little factory is a unique experience you don’t want to miss. FIND US VISIT US SHOP ONLINE. Saturday - Sunday 10.30am - 6pm. Studios Gerry studio.chocolatefactory@gmail.com … Cadbury Ireland creates direct employment at the Cadbury factory in Coolock, Dublin and at the chocolate crumb factory in Rathmore, Co. Kerry. Children as young as 2 years old have even had their first experience of chocolate making at Chocolate Memories! 26 King's Inn Street, Dublin 1, Ireland. DEADLINE TO PLACE ORDER FOR OUTSIDE IRELAND Chocolate workshops are ideal for all age groups and abilities. Welcome to the home of Cadbury - choc-full of history, news and tasty treats! Chocolate Factory. Skelligs Chocolate. H91VCF1 The chocolates are handmade in Bonane, just 10 km from Kenmare on the Glengarriff road and are distributed nationally. Since its conception in 2014, Hazel Mountain chocolate has been making waves on the chocolate scene, with a TV appearance with Nigella Lawson, and a bronze award from the Academy of chocolate. Step inside the Butlers. We are Ireland's only open-plan chocolate factory! Welcome; Our history; Find us; Opening hours; Allergens; INFORMATION ON VISITING US; Christmas. Burren Shop & Factory Opening Times: Monday - Friday 10.30am - 5pm. Address: Oughtmama Bellharbour County Clare. Additional employment is created through the purchase of local milk, sugar beet, packaging and a wide range of other materials . You can now make this dream a reality by visiting the Butlers Chocolates Factory in north Dublin. Home; Residents; RAW MATERIAL INDUSTRIAL DESIGN STORE; STUDIOS; Blas Cafe; Get in Touch; Home; Residents; RAW MATERIAL INDUSTRIAL DESIGN STORE; STUDIOS; Blas Cafe; Get in Touch; Get in Touch. Lorge Chocolatier – Handmade Chocolates Benoit Lorge, award winning chef, creates high quality chocolates for gourmet shops and high class hotels and restaurants. Not only will they never forget their birthday party at the chocolate factory, their friends will just love experience as well. The Chocolate Memories team can tailor sessions to suit the group. Search for: Search. Visit us. 26, King's Inn Street, Dublin 1, Ireland . Our boutique bean to bar chocolate factory is amongst the smallest and most remote chocolate factories in the world, situated next to our cafe in the Burren hills.
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