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jaboticaba tree care

If you get hold of some fruit, the tree can be propagated by seed, but it will take up to 10 years to see fruit. Since, I haven’t had the chance to sample the fruit, I was hesitant about purchasing a tree. Fruit should be picked after they turn dark purple or black … As with vitamins, a small amount on a regular basis is the best plan. The tips of the leaves will turn brown and crispy. Water your dormant bonsai as needed, keeping an eye on the temperatures: every 3-6 weeks, there is usually a thaw, and your tree might need water at that point. Helpful. Many in the wild are just around 5 metres high. In hig… The Jaboticaba tree (Myrciaria cauliflora) is an unusual fruit tree that which bears its fruit along the bark of the tree. Please comment below on anything you enjoyed from this post or your experience with growing Jaboticaba trees in hot, dry climates. Species: Plinia cauliflora. Commonly grown outdoors in USDA growing zones 9-11 without winter protection, it is also well adapted to being grown in a container in cooler climates. Jaboticaba, Brazilian Tree Grape Pot Size: 3 gallon Age: 3-4 years Fruiting Age: 2-3 years after planted in the … Fertilizing: Jaboticaba is another one of those fruits that I haven’t had the chance to get my hands on here in the Phoenix area. Brazilian Grapetree (myrciaria jaboticaba) – Alien, this shrubby 3 to 5 foot tree spectacularly produces white flowers from its trunks that slowly develop into fruit. There are a couple Youtube videos on some of those trees stating that they’re over 20 years old. photo credit: TreeWorld Wholesale Myrciaria Cauliflora (Jaboticaba Brazilian Grape Tree) via photopin (license) Additional jaboticaba tree care may be needed for iron deficiencies. Delivery and Planting; Landscape Design; Special Orders; Gardening On-Demand; News. Dr. Wilson Popenoe wrote that in Brazil they were nearly always planted too close–about 15 ft (4.5 m) apart, greatly restricting normal development. Tropical Bonsai may be kept on a sunny windowsill year-round. The jaboticaba fruit tree has a habit of producing the fruit directly on the trunk makes this a striking tree.The black fruit has an edible thin, but tough skin. Jaboticaba is native to southeastern Brazil and has been introduced to other warm regions, including western and southern North America. I bought a Jaboticaba (Brazilian Grape Tree) from a local bonsai dealer about a month ago in NY. A Jaboticaba is going to need some shade in our intense sun, so it’s going to require planting in an area that at least gets afternoon shade. The tree has a shallow root system, and mulching is advised, especially in periods of drought. Your Bonsai can be shaped by trimming the branches or by wiring them into new positions. In south central Brazil, the jaboticaba is a sensation, consumed fresh, made into jellies, liqueurs and preserves. The tree was healthy but the nursery pruning was less than I had hoped for. Also known as the Brazilian Grape tree, the Jaboticaba tree is unique for its striking and eye-catching feature of producing fruits on its trunk. The thin, beige to reddish bark flakes off … If, for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your tree or with our service, please notify us within 30 days of receipt. Growing Jaboticaba from seeds is a common way to propagate, but it takes a lot of patience for the fruit. It has been reported from Brazil that solitary jaboticaba trees bear poorly compared with those planted in groups, which indicates that cross-pollination enhances productivity. The tree is a slow-growing evergreen that can reach a height of 15 meters if not pruned. Fruit: The jaboticaba fruit matures in slightly less than 30 days. In fact, I would recommend growing it that way in a climate similar to my area. Most trees have a natural resistance to insects especially when grown under healthy outdoor summer conditions. The fruits and the flowers that produce them grow directly from the trunk and branches giving the tree a unique appearance especially when in fruit. This will cause air bubbles to rise up, and the bubbles are a good indicator of how dry your tree is. Propagation: is usually from seed, although grafting, root cuttings and air layering are also successful. Gently scrape away the top soil around the base of the tree, exposing the lower trunk (ca.¼ -½” ). How to Grow Jabuticaba Bonsai – Brazilian Grape Tree . Always water your tree before fertilizing. Jaboticaba really appreciates moist soil. Jaboticaba tends to be more of a dwarf tree or shrub-like. If the jaboticaba blooms during a period of drought, many flowers desiccate. So even when not fruiting, Jaboticaba makes a wonderful addition to my … I also recommend giving this tree adequate sun protection during the hottest parts of the year. Jaboticabas, once harvested, ferment quickly at ordinary temperatures. here are some pictures i found. Reply . I live in Melbourne FL and heard there is a place in Orlando that sells it but I can’t find it. This variety has a more subtle flavor than some of its cousins, and fruits a bit younger than the black variety. anyone have any more info on these varieties 'Sabará, is a fruit variety of Jaboticaba a form of M. cauliflora, … Jaboticaba grows so slow that it makes it easy to manage in a container. The trees themselves are multi-trunked and evergreen, slowly growing to around 8 m tall. The fruit wrap tightly to the multiple mottled trunks of the tree. Some species of this tree can grow to a height of 45 feet. They like to receive 5-6 hours of sunlight daily, whether inside or outside. 5.0 out of 5 stars Instructions in the package. The bark is cinnamon colored and has a habit of … It has flaky looking bark similar to a guava trunk. Jaboticaba, Brazilian Tree Grape Pot Size: 3 gallon Age: 3-4 years. A versatile small tree with decorative coppery foliage that makes for an ornamental specimen tree or … Small, young trees do best with some protection. As it evaporates, it helps to create a more moist environment. Events; … So a few years ago I planted a Myrciaria cauliflora—also known as the Brazilian Grape Tree, or more commonly, “Jaboticaba.” Like the Red Malaysian Guava, Jaboticaba has colorful new foliage and attractive reddish brown bark that sheds, revealing a tan or cinnamon color underneath, making it appear marbled. Follow. These two broad categories are based on the trees natural habitat and determined by its growing zone. However we recommend using commonly available garden insecticides or organic sprays several times per year as a preventative measure. Keeping Quality. It’s a natural extension of many gardeners’ repertoires, and the investment yields generations of results. Like most tropical trees or just trees in general, afternoon shade goes a long way in our desert sun. more_vert. Jaboticaba trees in plantations should be spaced at least 30 ft (9 m) apart each way. This may burn the roots and cause stress to the tree. Also at ECHO in Ft. Myers. Many people kill Jaboticabas because they just don't give them enough water. I know this post is a couple of years old, but I was wondering if you could direct me to where I can buy a Jaboticaba tree. The Jaboticaba is native to Brazil and also grows in Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay and Peru. I haven’t had much of a pest problem with my Jaboticaba. Proper watering is essential to the health of your tree. I’m sure there are more in your area, too. Thursday – Monday: 11am – 6pm The Red variety fruits a bit younger than the Black variety, and the flavor of a Red fruit is more subtle. Wil fertilize with the … Vertical growth, therefore, is very, very slow, and, with the right pruning, the trees can even be cut down into more of a shrub, to save additional space. Here are some of my recommended products that I use. Plant Care Guides. It’s best to buy a mature tree if you have the money and know you’ll like the fruit. Thursday – Monday: 11am – 5pm Jaboticaba tends to be more of a dwarf tree or shrub-like. Check out: our step by step instructional video below. Choose a spot where the tree can be viewed in an open space, or against a backdrop of other foliage. This slow growing tree can reach heights of 30-40 feet tall and 15-20 feet wide if planted in the ground, but will stay much more compact if planted … Check your Bonsai daily to see if it needs water by pressing down firmly on the moss or soil at the base of the trunk. person_outline Jo1 ★★★ 11y ago. Almost any kind of tree or plant can be a Bonsai, with the right care and styling techniques. Jaboticaba Trees are part of the Myrtle family, and are self-fertile. Finally, submerge the Bonsai, pot and all, in water, up to the base of the trunk, and let it sit in the water for a few minutes. Feed your tree about three times a … They are fairly wind tolerant but do not like salty sea air. photo credit: TreeWorld Wholesale Myrciaria Cauliflora (Jaboticaba Brazilian Grape Tree) via photopin (license) Cold Hardy varieties include Juniper, Pine, Spruce, Hinoki Cypress, Cryptomeria, Hemlock, Azalea, Cedar, Maple, Chinese Elm, Larch, Hornbeam, Beech, Wisteria, and Redwood. Jaboticaba Care Guide. ), the names jaboticaba, jabuticaba or yabuticaba (for the fruit; jaboticabeira for the tree) actually embrace 4 species of very similar trees and fruits: M. cauliflora, sabará jaboticaba, also known as jabuticaba sabará, jabuticaba de Campinas, guapuru, guaperu, hivapuru, or ybapuru; M. jaboticaba Berg., great jaboticaba, also … ent deficiencies. 10 years ago. It's when I bring it indoors for the winter that I start having problems with leaf discoloration and dropping. The soil should not be too dry, so that the root ball remains intact. Do not break too many surface roots. In addition urea should not be used with … Jaboticaba fruits are similar to grapes except they have a thicker skin and it has a purple to black color. I've had my jaboticaba in full sun all summer and the leaves are flawless. The bark tends to peel and reveal a lighter interior bark. Some trees may begin to break dormancy early: begin checking on your tree in February for signs of budding. Jaboticaba tends to fruit a couple times per year. Click on links below to jump to that question. They can be pruned if required. I would rate growing Jaboticaba trees in hot, dry climate as moderate skill level. Jaboticaba, (Plinia cauliflora), also spelled jabuticaba, also called Brazilian grape tree or jaboticabeira, tree of the myrtle family and its edible fruits. Pests and Diseases If the jaboticaba blooms during a period of drought, many flowers desiccate. I have been watering the tree as prescribed, giving it a day or two of dry … ***Images of fruit or edible qualities are provided from our nursery's stock of producing plants to show the potential yield of of our fruiting & edible plants. They have been known to survive temps as low as 26 degrees, or even the mid/lower 20's, but … This evergreen tree is a relative of guava and true myrtle and a native of Brazil where it is grown for its fruit and sometimes known as Brazilian grape tree. Jaboticaba is the Brazilian term for four very similar species of Myrciaria that produce one of the more interesting-looking tropical fruit trees in the southern half of Florida. Fertilizer is not quite food for plants, it is more like vitamins and minerals. The fruit forms on the trunk of the tree which is unique. Mature trees will tolerate minimums of 27 to 29 degrees for 2 to 3 hours if they are in good condition. Platforms Otherwise, I feed as usual with periodic applications or compost, fish emulsion, and liquid seaweed. on November 4, 2014. How to Care for Bonsai: Jaboticaba (Myrciaria cauliflora) by Karen. In Brazil, most … Reviewed in the United States on July 12, 2020. In high pH soils, however, additional fertilization should be applied. When your tree is at 40 degrees or colder, it does not need sunlight, it is fully dormant. After bringing it home, I encountered the typical "moodieness" of the plant by changing the location. The toughness of the skin prevents serious bruising if the boxes are handled with some care. Some options are a cold-frame, a garage, and enclosed porch, or a bulkhead. It is an evergreen tree that grows 10-15 feet (3-4.6 m.) tall with an attractive shape. Pests and Diseases. Location: Insect Prevention: These grow well in lower light Feeding: Organic fertilizer is best but Jaboticaba likes lots of food and will be thankful for just about stiff symmetrical branches and works very well as a screen hedge strong accent plant or framing tree. Jaboticaba -- the Brazilian Grape Tree-- is a slow growing evergreen tree with white flowers that form fruit directly on the trunks.The tree prefers moist, rich, lightly acidic soil; likes good drainage but frequent watering. The Jaboticaba – Myrciaria cauliflora – is a small bushy tree with profuse foliage of dark green sheen and leathery texture which makes it a beautiful landscape plant. I. I think it’s going to be able to control the soil PH to keep it more acidic so the tree continues to grow at a steady pace and get the nutrients it needs. Jaboticabas can tolerate mild, brief freezes, but best to protect them from frost, especially while young. When temperatures begin to increase, the tree will begin to wake and grow. Jaboticaba is a great tree to grow in a container. Email Save Comment 30. This first fruiting was only a handful of fruits on this tree, but it’s a start. The Jaboticaba – Myrciaria cauliflora – is a small bushy tree with profuse foliage of dark green sheen and leathery texture which makes it a beautiful landscape plant. Jabuticaba trees are now available! Growth Habit: The jaboticaba is a slow growing large shrub or small, bushy tree. I kept my tree thoroughly watered throughout the year. Jaboticaba -- the Brazilian Grape Tree-- is a slow growing evergreen tree with white flowers that form fruit directly on the trunks. Florida and California are excellent growing regions in the USA. If blooming occurs during … Only new to my garden (sept 09) Growing well in the pot new shoots. Spacer. Periodic applications of chelated iron also have helped. Red Jaboticaba produce fruit year round, with a flavor and texture similar to a traditional grape. Location & Climate: Jaboticaba trees will take full sun or some shade. Tropical Bonsai like to be fertilized  during the growing season. Sudden freezes can damage new growth. Remove the tree from the plastic pot by turning the pot upside-down, tapping the bottom, and letting the tree slide out into your hand. They also consistently produce fruit in our area, which is something else that I like to hear. The flesh is described as grape-like with a tropical taste. Bonsai need direct sunlight, from which they make their food. In this case, a chelated iron can be applied. Read more. For sale is a live plant with established root system in a pot. Brazilians claim it as their own – even those who live thousands of miles away and do not have access to the tree. Generally identified as Myrciaria cauliflora Berg. Top Questions About Jaboticaba Trees. Do not break too many surface roots. For additional information, see our Shipping & Returns page. It reaches a height of 10 - 15 feet in California and 12 - 45 feet in Brazil, depending on the species. Learning how to plant and care for fruit trees is a desirable, accessible activity for a wide range of people. These trees are cold-sensitive, and should not be allowed temperatures below 45 degrees F. They do not like extremely dry or arid conditions, and they want lots of sun. I tend to use soil sulfur throughout the year to help bring the PH down a bit. However after a while it seemed to get acclimated to its new home. Although jaboticabas are not self-sterile, they do better when planted in groups. Garden of Luma also participates in affiliate programs with Shareasale, Viglink, Clickbank, CJ, and other sites. It looks similar to the flesh of a longan or lychee with a seed in the center. If blooming occurs during … I continue to try to keep the soil acidic with sulfur and peat moss. Problem With Jaboticaba Tree - The Jaboticaba tree is about 15 years old. Jaboticaba. It is also used in making jams, … This dappled bark, combined with the tree’s small green leaves, creates a focal point in the landscape. Young plants need regular irrigation to establish them but are unbothered by periods of drought once mature. Misting and air: The name of the best-known of those species, M. cauliflora, suggests why: It is cauliflorous, meaning that its flowers and fruits are borne directly on the woody stems and trunk of the tree. A standard Jaboticaba can take up to 8 years before it starts producing fruit. Contact us to learn how to regenerate your soil, increase plant health, reduce chemical reliance and boost your profitability. I would be careful about defoliating at this time of year in Illinois, but the tree is probably going to naturally defoliate to a large degree anyway. Be careful to avoid temperatures below 20 degrees. Growing Jaboticaba from seeds is a common way to propagate, but it takes a lot of patience for the fruit. Signup to be added to our Private Gardening group to communicate,Â, Myrciaria Cauliflora (Jaboticaba Brazilian Grape Tree). Planting & Care. Any well-balancedfertilizer applied three times per year will keep the p… Consider providing some wind protection to the young trees. Your email address will not be published. Learn your insects and diseases to minimize the amount of spraying and to target the correct problems. When it becomes too cold for your Bonsai to stay outdoors, move it to a protected but unheated area. Jaboticaba Trees are suited for growing outdoors in USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 9 to 11. This slow growing tree can reach heights of 30-40 feet tall and 15-20 feet wide if planted in the ground, but will stay much … Brussel's Live Jaboticaba Indoor Bonsai Tree - 6 Years Old; 10" to 14" Tall with Decorative Container, Humidity Tray & Deco Rock 4.0 out of 5 stars 18 $55.68 $ 55 . Your Bonsai can be frozen for a few days during the winter, but not for extended time. All Bonsai love to be outside in the warmer months (May-September), though there are many species which can be kept indoors year-round. Reply. Even the children of Brazil are born with jaboticaba eyes. An eye catching tree when fruiting, the Red Jaboticaba bears grape-like fruits directly on the trunk. I’ve seen a few mature Jaboticaba Trees in the Phoenix area, so I know it is possible to grow them in a hot, dry climate. Jaboticaba trees LOVE water, in-fact it is really hard to overwater this tree. 100 Great Road   Littleton MA    978-486-3556, Summer Hours However, the Jaboticaba trees found in the US reach a height of 12 to 15 ft. It is a small tree, productive and stunning in fruit. A lovely healthy jabuticaba tree! Good luck. You can use our specially formulated bonsai fertilizer, such as Green Dragon, or any houseplant fertilizer such as Peter’s or Miracle-Gro at half the suggested strength. Jaboticaba. (syn. Similar to a Muscadine grape in texture and taste, the pulp is translucent white to rose … I also use Chelated Iron a few times per year. The … IRMA SHANAHAN … Using a pebble tray is a great way to increase local humidity. Signup to be added to our Private Gardening group to communicate, share photos, tips, giveaways, and more! They will need pruning 3-4 times per year, and root pruning or repotting every 2-3 years in the spring or summer. The black fruit has an edible thin, but tough skin. Although it is not well adapted to alkaline soils, it may begrown successfully by mulching and applying necessary nutrient sprayscontaining iron. We will correct the situation to your satisfaction. Bonsai is the Japanese art of growing beautiful trees in miniature. David The Good April 10, 2017 - 8:07 am. Gently scrape away the top soil around the base of the tree, exposing the lower trunk (ca.¼ -½â€ ). Although hailing from the tropics, they’re hardy plants that will tolerate light frosts. The fruit is also used to make jams and sauces. The tree grows wild in places like Venezuela, Costa Rica and Panama. Intrigued? The air inside the house is very dry, so the use of a pebble tray or frequent misting is important. Jaboticaba, (Plinia cauliflora), also spelled jabuticaba, also called Brazilian grape tree or jaboticabeira, tree of the myrtle family and its edible fruits. Soil:Jaboticabas grow and fruit best in rich deep soil with a pH of5.5 to 6.5. The plant had a little leaf loss, in addition to some yellow coloration. I found some cheap starter plants on eBay, so I figured I’d give one a shot. Threes develop an attractive trunk with age. Many people grow the tree for bonsai purposes. Closed Tuesday and Wednesday. Jaboticaba, Brazilian Tree Grape Pot Size: 3 gallon Age: 3-4 years For sale is a live plant with established root system in a pot. The fruit only grows on old growth so it is best not to prune the tree. April 1 – October 31 A standard Jaboticaba can take up to 8 years before it starts producing fruit. Jaboticaba is a small bushy tree that has many branches. If you suspect that your winter location will get too cold, you will need to build more protection such as an insulated box or add additional heat. Cold Hardy Bonsai are varieties which need a full change of season to do well. It has given lots of fruits last year (actually multiple crops). Typically, I would recommend a soil with good drainage for container growing fruit trees, but since Jaboticaba can handle staying in wet soils, I’ve kept mine in a soil mix that has a lot of peat moss. If you don't live in a tropical area place your Jaboticaba Tree in a container and bring it indoors during the colder months. Trees respond to your care, and will thrive with your attention! This species is a popular eating choice and has a flavor profile similar to a concorde grape with a little more acidity. One person found this helpful. 68 Place the tree in the pot, pour in the remaining soil, and pack it firmly. Jaboticaba can show some deficiencies in our high PH soil. Jaboticaba Care Guide. The rather conspicuous fruit, on every trunk, is round with a smooth, tough skin that is very glossy green and slowly transforms to almost purple black when ripe. Very easy plant and bonsai to grow. Jaboticaba is native to southeastern … Seedlings are best grown in bright filtered light for the first year and then acclimated to full sun if that will be the future growing conditions planned for the tree. My fine leaf tree began bearing imediately after I installed a constant drip line that supplies water 24 hours a day with out allowing the soil to become saturated. Commonly grown outdoors in USDA growing zones 9-11 without winter protection, it is also well adapted to being grown in a container in cooler climates. The tree needs plenty of water at all times, irrigation in the top … on November 4, 2014. The cycle will vary, so avoid strict schedules and you will soon recognize the watering needs of your Bonsai. ***Images of fruit or edible qualities are provided from our nursery's stock of producing plants to show the potential yield of of our fruiting & edible plants. Watering: The seeds take about 30 days to germinate at an average temp of 75 degrees F. (23 C). Precision Nutrition™ – Crop monitoring techniques that allow optimum fertiliser applications, resulting in less inputs and lower costs of … The toughness of the skin prevents serious bruising if the boxes are handled with some care. And because the fruits sprout directly out of the tree-trunk, on a heavy-fruiting jaboticaba tree you can’t even see the trunk, you just see a column of closely-packed fruits. This variety is supposed to be more of a rapid grower, which produces fruit from seed in 3-5 years. A "sale" tree, but not up to usual Brussels standards. Jaboticaba trees make heavier and heavier crops of fruit as they mature. Cropping can begin at 5 years with several crops maturing from spring to autumn. The tree prefers moist, rich, lightly acidic soil; likes good drainage but frequent watering. Jaboticaba Tree Care. After a while, the tree will eventually, with good care, make it to about 15 metres, but this only after many decades. I move the drip around so that the roots do not concentrate in one area. Arrived looking exactly like the picture! The Jaboticaba likes well-drained soil and a sunny spot, but can grow in … Warning: do not fertilize weak or freshly repotted trees, and don’t over-fertilize! Following are some general rules and guidelines for Bonsai care with these categories in mind. The trees can reach mature sizes of up to 40 feet tall and 20 feet wide, but they are slow-growing and can remain at heights below 20 feet for 10 years or more. Soil Jaboticaba grow and fruit best in rich deep soil with a pH of 5.5 to 6.5. Jaboticaba Bonsai are upright, graceful trees that have glossy, dark-green foliage that comes in brushed with pink in the Spring. Since the tree originated in the rainforests of Brazil the tree naturally is used to receiving heavy amounts of rainfall. Trees are sometimes pruned to facilitate access to inner braches. They sell them at Spyke’s Grove in Davie, Florida. Some are also indigenous to other parts of Brazil, as well as areas in Bolivia, Paraguay, northeastern Argentina, Uruguay and Peru. They’re sensitive to our extreme heat, but our winters aren’t a problem. Cut off the bottom third of the soil and roots, and flatten out the remaining root mass. Growing Jaboticaba in a container the first year can allow you to move your tree around to find a good microclimate. photo credit: lotuspilgrim Jaboticaba Tree, Loosing a layer of bark and also fruiting. A pebble tray is a shallow tray filled with small stones. Gradually decreasing temperatures will put your tree into dormancy, slowing growth and storing energy for spring. Fertilization:For young plants half ratio fertilizer at monthlyintervals will speed the plant's very slow growth rate. Even still, it’s a super slow growing tree. It’s somewhat similar to blueberries. Jaboticaba Tree, Loosing a layer of bark and also fruiting. Plant the tree in full sun where soil is well draining. The fruit is grape-like with a tough skin and pulp in the inside. The red hybrid has a dark cherry like color skin, where the standard jaboticaba is more purple. Jaboticaba trees will adapt to full sun or part shade. The trees branch profusely, close to the ground and slant upwards and outwards with a dense, rounded crown. Q. Brett May 16, … Care instructions included! NTS has developed highly successful strategies for jaboticaba production. It is reported that both varieties have similar tastes, but the red is a bit sweeter. Even still, it’s a super slow growing tree. Eagleby, QLD, Australia. A native to South America, especially Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina, Jaboticaba is a purple colored, juicy fruit that has a grape like texture with a sweet taste. In 1917 one very young tree in Brooksville survived a drop to 18 degrees with minimal die back of some foliage. Propagation is usually from seed, although grafting, root cuttings and air layering are successful as well. I'd let it decide, so to speak. Cold hardy trees should not be grown in the house, as they need to go dormant for the winter, and conversely tropical trees should never be allowed to freeze. Keeping Quality Jaboticabas, once harvested, ferment quickly at ordinary temperatures. A lack of direct sun will damage them, causing weak foliage and other problems. At Bonsai West, we have found it useful to group trees into two general care categories: Indoor/Tropical and Outdoor/Cold Hardy Bonsai. They taste like nothing else but have the texture of a grape. Well, that’s what Jaboticaba (Myrciaria cauliflora) is! Your Bonsai now will be needing more water, and protection from freezes. Required fields are marked *, Hi I’m Joe, A passionate gardener in the Arizona Desert.  I’ve been gardening in Arizona since 2011 and have learned so many things along the way.   Gardening in a hot, dry climate presents many different challenges.  I want to share my successes to help others create their own backyard food forest.  I started Garden of Luma when we moved into our new home in 2016.  I have around 25 fruit trees and edible fruiting plants along with several raised beds, native plants, herbs, and flowers.Â.

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