Working mothers are the most influential group in society, and by being employer they affect their children positively, themselves and relationships with their families. Def personal essay. My Mother: Short Essay (200 Words) for Class 1, … Essay on My Mother: 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 Words Essays Read More » Global warming essay task 2 ielts working on Essays mothers. Aside of the benefits to children, working mothers otherwise benefit themselves because work give them more ability to have financial choice and achieve self-esteem. Retrieved from, Children of working mums do better at school. Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a university student. If you need a custom term paper on Social Issues: Working Mothers, you can hire a professional writer here to write you a high quality authentic essay.While free essays can be traced by Turnitin (plagiarism detection program), our custom written essays will pass any plagiarism test. Working Mothers (Argumentative Essay) November 27, 2015 arsanoversea Leave a comment Today, there are a lot of women working outside the house, which can affect many people positively or negatively. Furthermore, it does not matter if the working mothers’ salary is lower, it will assist in covering the needs of the family. There is no doubt that the mother is the most important person in our life. International Women’s Day (IWD) is celebrated on March 8 every year.It is a focal point in the movement for women’s rights. WORKING MOTHERS “First, from the early 1950s, many employed mothers began to challenge, although not overturn, the dominant discourse of the ideal mother as exclusively bound to the home. In addition, Wladi(1998) mentioned that in 1940 the percentage of working mothers was 8. A child of a non-working mother has full access of the parents love throughout his life. Three different groups decide why working mothers entered the work force. In addition, working mothers benefit themselves. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Get a verified writer to help you with Working Mothers. Mothers in the Workplace As Barbra drops Jessica off at the regular day-care, staffed with well-trained, caring professionals, she stops to think for a moment. et al. My work history starts as a mother of two delightful teenagers. This is not an example of the work produced by our Essay Writing Service. Students looking for free, top-notch essay and term paper samples on various topics. Much of the wonderful experience of being a mother is missed if a woman goes to work. They represent an important example and role model for their daughters’ success, which build their confidence and that will help them in their future career and lifestyle. (467). This view seems convincing at first but, new studies have shown the opposite. In addition, there are beneficial effects on children. 95-108 -> Amin, Rahmah Mohd. This is not an example of the work produced by our Essay Writing Service.You can view samples of our professional work here.. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of So, too, the answer remains flexibility and a supportive manager. High-efficiency Secure & Easy Quality Check Before Shipping 30 Days Money Back Guarantee An essay or paper on Working Mothers. Firstly, A... 1. However, young children will exhibit more bad behavior if someone else taking care of them instead of their parents likes baby sitter or nanny. Study Says Working Full-Time Benefits Moms. Those groups are supply side, demand side, and social structure (Aulette, 2010, Ch. In their article, “Will Working Mothers Take Your Company to Court?,” authors Joan Williams and Amy Cuddy present a thorough and enlightening view of a very modern circumstance, that of the employer’s role – and vulnerability – in regard to working mothers. The kids whose mothers worked when they were younger than 3 were later good in school and have a few problems with depression however, the working mothers with full- time job their child between 1 or 2 years old will have an academic score problem than kids whose their mothers part time (Luscombe, 2010). Women have the right to be involved in the work environment just as men are. A non-working mother has a chance to instill a strong character to her children. 3, pp. They must provide organizations to prepare mothers who stay at home for job environments. In recent years I helped create an exercise movement class for preschool aged children. Working moms are also less stressed than stay-at-home moms. also offered here. For many working mothers, the decision of whether or not to stay at home is not one they are allowed to make. Open research paper with quote, essay on survey research. The term ‘stay at home moms’ refers to those mothers who do not go for work outside their homes. According to Meikle, (2011) there are a lot of positive sides for young children if their mothers work especially girls. Constant efforts are being made by the working mothers and wives to achieve the impossible standards of being the best housewives and best at their jobs. When one thinks of the subject of working mothers, many differing opinions come to mind. Essay, 4 pages. If a woman does not see her precious baby for at least eight hours, she will have a chance to value every moment that she spends with them. Only at" A working mother gets satisfaction from both a highly successful job and her own beloved family. They may also be more broad-minded and receptive to new ideas, since they break the In conclusion, the time has changed from past to now and the mothers position has changed. We need some time to make sure our experts are fully compliant. So here are the pros and cons of being a working mother. Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your writing easier are Workers mothers have more knowledge and experience to help their children reach a higher level in their education. Nevertheless, there are also certain cons of being a working mother. Working at home or at the office has their own benefits. Working Mothers Sources for your Essay; Working Mothers. Besides, a working woman has a chance to have a real face-to-face conversation rather than sitting with her child all the time. Instead, the first word of a child might be heard by the babysitter, so that a woman will feel regret and guilt for not being close to her child at such a precious moment. Working mothers are now the rule rather than the exception. What we found is that while working mothers are more optimistic than when we last surveyed them in 2013, the juggle remains a struggle. It is an important issue because it concerns the effects that it might have on these parents’ children, which are soon to … Chynna Codevilla Essay Nowadays mothers work to be part of society and to be part of developing the country economically, and most mothers choose to work to build their identity and confidence and additionally to help their family. Read this essay on Struggles of Working Mothers. 6, p. 141). Their bonding with their kids Filed Under: Essays. With increasing education and industrialization have come increased opportunities for women. I have enjoyed spending time with my kids since they were babies and watching them grow into hard working, wonderful people. She is the one who gave us the life and made us stand on our own feet. Express your views either for or against this statement. Working mothers should be supported by their families and governments for several reasons, working mothers have more knowledge and experience than mothers at home which impacts positively on their children future and their education. Type: This is a significant drawback of being a working mother. 6%, However by 1959 this figure had increased rapidly to 27.5% and by 1996 the percentage was 70%.These statistics were taken when their child under 18 years old, This essay will argue that working mothers should be supported by their families and governments by setting some laws or suggestion to support and help them to make their career and family life easier and more flexible. In addition, the job helps her to create a good social connection and less feeling lonely., Working Mothers. They wake up in the morning being tired and spend all day being accompanied with a feeling of tiredness. Without mothers, there are no human beings. Larowe, (n.d.) says that employed mothers are less sad and have more strength at the age of 40 than mothers who stayed at home. It has also been proved that kids of working mothers show better results at school. Problems of Working Women The liberated woman has come to … For this reason, working mothers who has the same salary as their husband can share the work time with them to allow their husbands to have more time with children (Gentleman, 2009). Furthermore, if a woman spends some time at work during the day, she will start to appreciate every moment that is spent with her children. (2013) Retrieved from, Doughty, S. (2013). By my children seeing me go to work, I am teaching them the (2010). These may impact on the child education and in mothers in the future (Doughty, 2013). Working mothers benefit greatly and achieve the most success if their managers are equipped to onboard them back onto the team, remain open to common accommodations (e.g. Retrieved from, Gentleman, A. Work helping mothers to build their identities away from their families and it gives her confidence, stability and a chance to communicate with society. Every single woman prefers to work as they have the capability to balance both the work and family.It is now very rare that a girl does not prefer to work and chooses to remain at home as a housewife. They are the ones who build the humanity. In order for working mothers to feel needed, and to have their work mean something, others need to look upon their work as something substantial, something important, not simply an option. 6%, However by 1959 this figure had increased rapidly to 27.5% and by 1996 the percentage was 70%.These statistics were taken when their child under 18 years old, This essay will argue that working mothers should be supported by their families and governments by setting some laws or suggestion to support and help them to make their career and family life easier and more flexible. CHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION1.1 BackgroundGone are the days when domestic roles were fairly divided between the husband and the wife and where the man provides for the upkeep of the family while the woman makes the home (Matheswaran & Hemalatha, 2015). Globalization, technological advances, demographic changes, dual-career couples, and changes in the individuals’ outlook and desires are the factors that have made work-life balance a concern for academia and practitioners (Baral & Bhargava, 2010; Mishra, 2015). There is a drastic need to increase government-funded daycare—in order to enable more mothers to work and encourage younger working women to consider having kids. Single Working Mothers: The Sacrifices of Being A Single Working Mother 1808 Words | 8 Pages Single Working Mothers Thesis: Within the process of a single mother striving to be successful, a fatherless household will most likely become stressful upon the mother as well as the children. Mothers need to care for the children and keep the home in smooth working order. Here are a few short and long essays on my mother. 1.1 Explain the importance of multi-agency working and integrated agency working. She actually spends most of her time watching over her children (Cassidy, 1996). In addition, companies may reduce the hours of work for mothers which allows mothers time to get some rest at home and to care of the children. Meikle said there is no damaging effects on children social and emotional feelings if their mothers work during their early years. Fathers should spend more time with their children because they spend most of time in work. Governments should support working mothers to encourage them to work and join the workforce and give them a chance to achieve their individual goals. A (eds), Working and mothering in Asia: image, ideologies and identities, NUS publishing, Singapore, pp. However, this doesn’t mean that working moms should just ignore their mental health. get custom paper. These essays are very easy to learn. It is a common saying that god could not be present everywhere so he made mother. Working Mothers Sources for your Essay Working Mothers Constant efforts are being made by the working mothers and wives to achieve the impossible standards of being the best housewives and best at … References Children will be less successful at their school because they will have intellectual problems. Firstly, children of employment mothers are better in their education than children of mothers who’s stay at home.
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