Release the resistance and feel the relief when you simply let the feeling be. Avoiding them doesn’t make them go away. It’s not something you merely believe. I canât put into words how much you have helped me. If a guy is interested, he does not want you to … As I wrote in my previous post, Just Because You Feel It Doesn’t Mean It’s the “Capital T” Truth, your feelings don’t always give you the complete picture of what’s going on. Ganesh. It’s religion and other spiritual beliefs that is the real evil in this world. Because no matter how hard you try, all you’re doing is that you’re going around in circles with your ego and it is leading you further and further away from that which is true and real. Anger can be messy. To break free from the chains belief-systems create, you need to look closely at the one who believes in these types of things. You know, I realized myself many a times in meditation. What is the “ultimate reality” to you, what meaning does it have? I’ve lately been struggling with the back and forth you describe. It might have something to do with being annoyed or irritated with someone or something, or maybe you’re sad and feel vulnerable. Just concepts and ideas that limit and restrict us and put us into boxes. l donât understand it intellectually but my heart seeâs it clearly. It depends on your cultural influence, social influence, upbringing, etc etc etc. So they just continue to set limits on the emotions they’ll allow themselves to experience. Guy It’s by thoroughly dissecting everything that stands in the way of your awakening that ultimately will liberate you, and those things are all about the belief you hold. To validate someone means that you help them feel understood, accepted, and cared for by you. Even if the spiritual experiences are beautiful and profound and can alter your perception of life and so on, they are merely experiences and nothing to seek or try to get into and ‘stay in’. Be sure to get whatever help you need. It may take time and sustained attention to clear out what you were in the habit of stuffing down, but the more you lean into whatever is asking to be seen, the more your life will open and expand. I KNOW, for example, illness isn’t real, but yet I FEEL like it is, and in feeling it, tell myself that I denying ultimate reality and need to stop feeling that. Had it not been for you, I would have possibly fell into madness thinking I was just domestically âcrazyâ vs. going through a spiritual shake up. The ego thinks that that must be what it’s like always, but it’s not like that at all, so forget about trying to stay in an experience. I find myself at a loss for words. Thanks, Forget about purifying yourself, chanting etc etc etc. As you do this you will be able to move forward from a different emotional state because you see clearly that you have actually something to say when it comes to how you experience life. When we open ourselves up like this we are immediately able to see the whole drama from a different perspective and then there’s space and openness and you can breathe freely again.Â, What you just read was one of my short blogs. â Share if you enjoyed it â. We keep ourselves in bondage when we bottle things up or repress our true feelings. Can you for example have an orgasm that lasts forever and ever? After working with her I have never felt more alive and aligned to my true self. There’s nothing more exceptional about him than there is about you. Sounds odd but itâs the truth. The second you allow yourself to feel the emotions, they will pass through you and simply disappear into nothingness. Catherine Rondeau, Westport, Connecticut, USA. Because they thought that they always had to be happy and all about “love and light” etc in order to “create” and “manifest” whatever it was that their ego’s wanted at the moment. Emotions are always with us. The key is to not judge it so you can feel it and be with it, like a wave moving … How to Understand Your Emotions. When/if you awaken you too will see that nothing is inherently wrong, but it has nothing to do with beliefs. You also become clearer, more present and more grounded. It would be like thinking you’re washing your face by splashing water onto the image in the mirror. With this said; I understand where you’re coming from, and I understand the way of thinking. This does not include physical features, however, I am a sucker for beautiful eyes and a lovely smile. I certainly did not expect this, l have had periods of such intense joy and bliss, Love with an underlying peace thatâs been consistent. See more. Freedom, inner peace and confidence comes from moving into a perspective beyond your limited self and into a place of alignment. That’s not you, it’s a mirage, an illusion. But Ohh.. It just means to simply express how we feel either by acknowledging them to ourselves or by sharing them with another person verbally but without any emotional drama. 1. It’s not about creating better thoughts and adopt better beliefs and all that, but to see clearly who it is that entertains them and believes in them in the first place. Allow yourself to have the full human experience by letting your feelings be without getting entangled in them. As an addition… things that feel confusing for example are people who exercise faith healing or even Jesus himself. If you’re wondering how to be able to stay in that ‘state’ forever (as many ask me that same question), the answer would be to just forget about it. Something that I recall now that I think is helpful for you to hear is an experience I had that happened some years ago. They are not acknowledging their emotions and instincts, intuition etc because they think that being ‘evolved’ means only having good feelings all the time. I think your ego is fishing for high fives. How do you actually “know” that illness does not exist? Are you stuffing down your emotions or allowing them to flow freely? And I canât thank you enough for that. I could feel weight lifted as we were talking and for the first time my mind did not try to make sense of things, it was all truly felt in the heart space. She has helped me to refocus my energy and recreate my life. What if you didn’t “resist and fight” as you’ve been taught to respond and react? You acknowledge someone’s feelings when you say: “I hear you; you are angry.” “You don’t want to go to school.” “I see you don’t … To have someone acknowledge and accept your thoughts, feelings, ideas, experiences without judgment or trying to change them. Turn within, don’t stare at the image in the mirror thinking that that’s you. I am satisfied with the answer..!! Synonym Discussion of feeling. We don’t know if Jesus has ever existed and exactly what he said or did so let’s not even discuss that. LOL..!! Your Email is safe with me and it's easy to unsubscribe at any time. You don’t even need “faith”. Please help me.. Maria, you are truly godsend. No drama whatsoever needed. But the moment you can say âYes, Iâm pissed off!â or acknowledge any other so called “negative” feeling it flows through you quickly and is released. I donât even recognize the person who started working with her a few months ago. Would you be willing to explore how that would be and what would happen (even if your fear/ego screams at you to not go there)? Feel the difference between being able to breathe freely and by having the body all tensed up. Maria is the real deal. They keep people in bondage and fear more than anything else. My words in this email cannot thank you enough. It usually blossoms from there when there is a decision to make. I want to share something with you here. acknowledge definition: 1. to accept, admit, or recognize something, or the truth or existence of something: 2. to tell…. She offered much, much more than Iâve derived from other teachers; highly specific and personal recommendations. Sheâs rare because sheâs able to see where you are at in your journey and will eagerly show you the way forward. So I saw a lot of phony people, people who were secretly suffering while at the same time having a happy facade while they were running as fast as they could away from anything that was even slightly uncomfortable (such as real transformation). The earliest record (and one of the few times it has been used at all) of this word occurs in a letter written by Gray in 1742: “Mine, you are to know… I can tell you with absolute honesty and conviction that having a session with Maria is life-changing! And as I did this I was instantly overtaken by an immense feeling of inner peace and love and the “devil” lost its power and evaporated/vanished into the air. There are long term friendships, short term friendships, intimate friendships, familial relationships and collegial friendships. I don’t imagine him to have “Accepted” the illness or the death or felt anything about it at all except that it wasn’t real. If sadness arise, cry. How did the situation make you feel – emotionally & physically? Thank you Maria! You will sense it the moment you lay eyes on her. and will this doing lead us to awakening ? Your emotional and mental state is affected by how you respond to the feelings that arise and that then in turn affects how you experience the present moment. When we validate we’re not judging whether a person is right or wrong. This does not mean we should act on all feelings or lash out towards others. Whether you accept and face your feelings or not is in your hands. That’s how messed up people’s thinking is and all this is the spiritualized ego operating in their lives without them being aware of it. You pointed me in the right direction and that gave me courage to continue moving through whatever process I may find myself in and the ability to take refuge in the truth within me. We’re not necessarily agreeing with them in … Sadness can be messy. It's about feeling the feeling and applying thought to it, and coming to a decision as to whether to act on it or not. If you remove the label and simply enjoy or use what is available to you, then life become so much simpler and you can benefit from whatever it is without making anything (or anyone) more special than it is. That’s not the full experience of how it is to be a human being. Thank u for your kind cooperation. Does it still feel as heavy and burdening?Â. All I can say to you is Thank You. Maria is changing the world by her presence. But it’s really very simple; look deeply within and forget about making yourself anything at all. Today is the first day that I woke up feeling as if I am ready to take on the world. From another perspective.. Suppressing our feelings is the same as avoiding life. And if you got cancer for example, would you not ‘accept’ that as a reality and seek medical help to heal it? I feel like a huge weight have been lifted and I have so much more perspective on what I have been struggling with. What would the purpose of that be?”. But there's more to emotions than just … To me healing is healing whether it’s a doctor, dentist, Reiki healer or massage therapist or a counselor. While they may be a great listener and communicator, they might also fail to take the steps needed to solve your shared problems. While acknowledging is your way of indicating that you hear a person’s words, validating is getting in touch with their emotions. See how the ego is trying to make everything fit nicely into its own little perception on life, even the concept of “ultimate reality” does it try to control and mold to its liking. Casting out “demons” and “Resisting” the devil were common practices. See it a little bit like this: Would you try to make the image in the mirror look better or more this or that (“purified”, “spiritual” etc), and what would be the point in doing that..? He might have had the gift of being able to heal, but so have other human beings who are alive today too. The ego is really a funny little creature..! Acknowledge Your Emotions and Let Them Flow. Do the opposite of what your urge is (ie if it is to isolate and sleep – go and take a walk or talk to someone. They think, “If I get really excited about this I’ll just be more disappointed when it doesn’t work out next time. This was unlike any healing session that I have ever been in and I say that from the bottom of my skeptical, over analytical heart who had literally tried every cure one could think of. Notify me when comments are added on this article. If it’s too big, you might need someone qualified to support you. I am so glad that I reached out to you. Part of the struggle here is that I grew up in an evangelical Christian setting. Acknowledge and label your feelings by saying in the moment to yourself: “I feel angry”, or “I feel unhappy in this situation”, or “I don’t feel comfortable doing this” etc and be present to how that emotion feels in your body. The ego on the other hand does identify with feelings and thoughts, and very strongly so, so anything that does not ‘feel good’ is made wrong. Often, this refusal is tied to a fear of what might happen if they let themselves celebrate. I don’t feel realness in your comment Ganesh. “Validating your feelings” sounds like a big term, but it really means one thing: Letting yourself feel. Relationships come in all forms. Many of us learned at an early age that we are not supposed to be angry or aggressive or want or need too much. But for someone who has awakened, all feelings can come and go as they please, there’s no holding on to any of them and they are not made wrong. I’s a funny little creature, the ego ð Very entertaining to watch sometimes. If anger comes up, address the situation, if happiness is felt, laugh. Whatever it is; feel it and experiment with how it is to allow the feeling to be (by acknowledging it) and then switch back into resisting it and making it wrong and undesirable. I will definitely recommend you to my friends and family! Lucy – The story behind the story is that I learned this lesson in other situations when I didn’t acknowledge the other person’s emotions first. Had I not experienced it myself, I would probably not believe it. This feeling of peace and freedom is priceless. There have been profound shifts in the way I see myself and the world, so many shifts in my energy and life. We are not typically encouraged to let ourselves fully experience our so-called “negative” emotions. If the emotion is very strong and overwhelming then it will difficult to allow it and feel it. I don’t remember if I woke up in the middle of the night or if I had just gone to bed but I was laying there and suddenly I was struck with enormous, crippling fear and I saw (with my eyes) a “devil” (a Satan-looking creature) hovering above my body. Yet many of … This does not mean we should act on all feelings or lash out towards others. You don’t identify with that anymore. You will definitely suffer more when you resist the fear that is arising instead of allowing it do be but not indulging in it. Boston Women's Health Book Collective. This is super important in relationships because validation is a cornerstone of emotional safety. No need to pretend, avoid or hide, but to simply let the feelings flow through you. She cleared up my energy and I feel more myself, more at peace and all around better mentally and emotionally since my sessions with her. It’s the feelings that we generally think of as “negative” that are a bit harder to process. Learn more. I can’t stress enough what a gift it is to be able to work with somebody like Maria. Maria is beyond amazing. Ease into it. Healing is healing, call it what you want, label it as you wish. Leave a comment below. Show them you've no feeling, and they'll acknowledge you for a woman of fashion. Honoring your hurt feelings isn’t a sign of weakness and it doesn’t mean you’re giving in to them. Does ego get purified through meditation or other types of sadhana like chanting etc. It is as though I got a crash graduate course from spirit. If you’ve grown up with the goal of trying to be comfortable at all times and make sure that everyone else around you is comfortable as well, then it makes sense to avoid the messiness of feelings. Maria is beyond amazing. If I were to tell those parts of me that still believe in those doctrines to “sit with” my fear, they yell back that I am believing the devil and, essentially, that I’m doing it wrong. © Copyright 2009â2020 Maria Erving. I’ve said it to you many times before to look into that but you seem not to have done that so you’re still thinking you are the person on the spiritual path wanting to awaken. Take a feeling you don’t like and that you are experiencing in your life at the moment. Feeling definition is - the one of the basic physical senses of which the skin contains the chief end organs and of which the sensations of touch and temperature are characteristic : touch. I recommend anyone who is trying hard to be truly free and really start walking down the path of self fulfillment and happiness to book a session with her. I am truly grateful to you. I donât know if I make sense, but all I can say is that I feel blissful. This does not diminish the experiential aspect of it, it felt as ‘real’ as anything else in this life and I cherish the Angel meeting, but I also know that had I lived in India for example, some other ‘creature’ would have appeared instead of a devil or angel. And because of your beliefs that tells you that you’re creating things just because you think of them, the fear increases; You’ve become afraid of feelings and thoughts and try to desperately control them but something to realize is that anyone who doesn’t share that belief is not afraid of their feelings and thoughts. Mariaâs awareness of energies and the conditions of the mind are truly impressive. We do this because these feelings are so uncomfortable. You can trust her with your heart and soul. “Why is my life so amazing?” (Just how good can it possibly get? You are genuinely intrigued by them. Because feelings are always moving and only stuck when resisted so as soon as you stare fear in the face and actually want to see it, it shrinks. A tiny, almost imperceptible cough, usually hidden behind a mask due to; emphysema, asthma, allergies or the dreaded COVID, so as not to alarm others to your potential of being “the infected.” ( though sometime flickering fear is there for just nanosecond..because this is all new but still homely place) Other times, in particular with fear, I feel my being constrict around it, resist it, and tell me that to feel it is to create more of it and if I feel it, I will manifest what it is lying to me about. We recoup the energy we’ve been wasting on holding our emotions in check. If you can trust one thing in your life right now, trust Maria. Other Girls Are Just His Friends. To know something differently, we must do and act differently and we must be willing to go into unknown and previously unexplored territory. It’s the feelings that we generally think of as “negative” that are a bit harder to process. With only that one session and the healing she carried out, Iâve been without grudges, feelings of being hurt or anything on those lines. Maria is amazing. Feeling the calling to become an Energy Healer? I’m glad you found the post and could relate it to your personal experience. Sheâs leading people to a new way of being. Sometimes the fear is about seeming conceited or making the people around them jealous or resentful. I feel that the whole universe including my body is within me. Since plugging in to your words of wisdom my life has changed dramatically. All Rights Reserved. When we repeatedly suppress these "negative" feelings, we may eventually be less aware of what we feel. Make an effort to reeeeally resist the feeling and make it really, really wrong, and then let go! But just because you’re feeling sad right now, doesn’t mean that you’re a sad person living a sad life, or that you’ll always be sad. They started feeling nothing because they reached a point where their emotions become overwhelming and caused them anxiety. Please note that some posts are accessible for members only. If you do, the result is always hopeful. In fact, when you embrace your feelings and allow yourself to fully feel them, you become UNstuck. Could not more highly recommend! A lot of people hold back when it comes to expressing their emotions because they’re afraid of being labeled by them. I was petrified and frozen with fear, but then I started to say within myself and looking straight in its face that “I’m with Truth now, I’m not afraid, I’m with Truth, there’s no need for me to fear, I’m with Truth” etc. We’re all great at accepting the positive feelings. (Same if you believe in Santa; then that will be your reality for the time being until you wake up/outgrow it). So, thank you for helping and giving me the encouragement to stand strong amidst experiences that I didnât understand. The past few years have had great momentum in terms of moving closer to Truth. My experience with Maria was more than I could ever hoped for or expected. Anyone who is capable of loving and caring is a healer in their own way. Take the time to … You know the feeling. It helps our child to feel deeply understood for even their wildest fantasies and desires. Best Regards, I think maybe that’s where I get myself confused. Here’s an old article of mine too that can be helpful to you:, Thanks Maria, Administration. “Faith healing” sounds good to Christian people, “energy vibration healing” sounds good to new age people and so on. at that time, I realized that there is nothing two but only one and that one is ME..! Acknowledging a child's feelings is one of the most important things we can do as parents. Your partner may acknowledge your feelings, but do nothing to change the situation. Regardless of the type of The Bible also says “resist nothing”, but people tend to pick words and phrases here and there that fits into their set of beliefs and that makes their ego feel good and righteous (and in control). I could feel the tension leaving my body and a calm came over me by just being in her presence. By safely releasing and allowing our emotions to flow, we get access to whole new parts of ourselves.
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